
摘 要:


1吉林省农业科学院大豆研究所, 大豆国家工程研究中心, 长春130033

2农业农村部大豆机械化生产重点实验室, 黑龙江大庆163319

3吉林省种子管理总站, 长春130021


*共同通信作者: 孟凡钢(mengfg2013@163.com)、张伟(zw.0431@163.com)

摘要: 光合作用作为主要驱动力维持着地球植物的生长。虽然我们在调控光合作用的生理生化及分子调



生物胁迫因素(高温、盐碱和干旱), 讨论了提高作物光合效率的途径并展望光合作用改善的未来前景,



Research progress of crop photosynthetic efficiency adaptation to

adversity and improving ways

RAO Demin1,#, DONG Qingsong3,#, CHENG Tong1, YU Debin1, QI Liqiang2, ZHAO Jing1,

YAN Xiaoyan1, MENG Fangang1,*, ZHANG Wei1,*

1Soybean Research Institute, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Engineering Research Center of

Soybean, Changchun 130033, China

2Key Laboratory of Soybean Mechanized Production, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Daqing, Heilongjiang

163319, China

3Jilin Seed Management Station, Changchun 130021, China

#Co-first authors

*Co-coresponding authors: Meng FG (mengfg2013@163.com), Zhang W (zw.0431@163.com)

Abstract: Photosynthesis is the main driving force that sustains the growth of plants on Earth. We have

made some progress in the study of physiological, biochemical and molecular regulation mechanism of

photosynthesis. However, our understanding of the regulation mechanism of photosynthesis in the com-

plex and changeable natural environment is still limited, so the improvement of photosynthesis in crops is

low, and may even be far from its biological limit. In this paper, we summarized the abiotic stress factors

(high temperature, salinity and drought) that limit photosynthetic efficiency, then discussed the ways to im-

prove crop photosynthetic efficiency, and looked forward to the future prospects of photosynthesis im-

provement, in order to provide a systematic and comprehensive reference for the establishment of new

targets for crop photosynthetic improvement and the development of photosynthesis in improving crop


Key words: photosynthesis; environmental stress; photosynthetic efficienc; crop yield

收稿 2023-09-21 修定 2024-05-01

资助 吉林省农业科技创新工程项目(CXGC2022RCG010、CXGC2022RCG011)、国家现代农业产业技术体系建设项目(CARS-04-


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